Haoji Zhang (张颢继)

I am a fourth-year undergraduate student at Tsinghua University. I will be joining the lab of Prof. Yansong Tang as a first-year master's student soon.

My research interests lie in the fields of Computer Vision and Efficient Deep Learning. My current research focuses on Video Understanding.

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Publications and Preprints

* indicates equal contribution, † indicates corresponding author

dise Flash-VStream: Memory-Based Real-Time Understanding for Long Video Streams Haoji Zhang*, Yiqin Wang*, Yansong Tang †, Yong Liu, Jiashi Feng, Jifeng Dai, Xiaojie Jin
Preprint, 2024
[arXiv] [Code] [Project Page]
dise Preim3d: 3d consistent precise image attribute editing from a single image
Jianhui Li, Jianmin Li†, Haoji Zhang, Shilong Liu, Zhengyi Wang, Zihao Xiao, Kaiwen Zheng, Jun Zhu
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
[arXiv] [Code] [Project Page]

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© Haoji Zhang | Last updated: Mar. 10, 2024